Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February: A Time For Groundhogs and Love!

And since that damn groundhog does nothing but bring us snow, we'll turn our attention to the second thing, love.

I have to admit this is the first Valentine's Day in quite some time that the Ginger and I are boyfriendless. What better way to celebrate the holiday than by showing all you happily committed folks how much fun it is to try and find a date. In the next few days we'll check out some popular dating sites (free communication event, FTW!) and even mingle with the public at local watering holes. We're also open to exploring other options if anyone has any suggestions since we are clueless on how to meet "normal" guys.

Please don't misconstrue this as a desperate attempt to find dates. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, FIND US MEN will be the title of that post. This is more of a social experiment, of sorts. So sit back and enjoy the carnage!



  1. In order to meet "normal" guys, you have to . . . uh . . . I don't think there is any such thing.

  2. A social experiment...looking forward to the entertainment.

  3. Dudders, if someone as dazzling as you cannot find a date for Valentine's Day, I can only conclude that the men in Pittsburgh have all been kidnapped and replaced with heartless, blind and soul-less robots.

    Unless you're still doing that 3-person "dick" impersonation...

  4. Burgh Baby-How about we change "normal" to "not creepy or a stalker." Have you ever been hit on by a guy who has a foot fetish? Ask us about it one day, it isn't pretty!

    Jen-We are here for your entertainment :)

    Bluz Dude-Awh thank you! I think all the good ones are taken or just hiding from us. It's usually just the Ginger and me so it's more of a dick and one ball impersonation. (Which may be the reason they're hiding from us!)

