Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why are we doing this?

We consider ourselves to be in a unique situation, at least compared to a lot of our friends. We’re unmarried, no kids, just starting out in our careers, and 30. Granted we don’t act nearly that old and thankfully don’t look it either. If you ever go out for beers with us, we’ll be the only ones who get carded. I will put money on it. My friends call me Dudders or Duds or Dudsy (mostly during hockey season). I’m tall, outgoing, and friendly. My co-conspirator, The Ginger, is a ginger as in she has red hair. We won’t argue over whether the use of “ginger” is appropriate or not. We like using it and she enjoys calling herself that so everybody is happy. Get over it. We also won’t argue over whether being in our situation or having a family is cooler. That’s like comparing apples to oranges. We’ll argue about other stuff though.

We have three cats between us, Peter the Cat (or Fat Petey) and the evil twins Lenny and Carl. Don’t worry we’ll have lots of good photos and stories about them. Their hobbies include eating, sleeping, and tormenting us.

This blog will let you experience our awesome adventures and equally awesome points of view. We can be opinionated I will warn you, but we’re also amusing, silly, like sports, march to our own beat, and have the sense of humor of a couple of 13 year old boys. Enjoy, or run for the hills now.
