Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dang this is tough...

This whole having a blog thing is a little more difficult than we thought it would be. How do you get used to writing about yourself every single day? Yeah sure we have plenty of stuff to say when we have lots of cool things going on in our lives, but what do you type when all you did all day is work, come home, and hide from the heat. How do you make that interesting?

I awoke, minutes before my alarm went off. The sun was beginning to rise and rays of light fell across my face. I arose from the comfort of my bed to begin my day. I made my way down the stairs with my brown eyes half opened. I prepared my breakfast of bagels and an Instant Breakfast drink. The smell of cinnamon filled the kitchen as I poured low pulp orange juice into a short, blue glass. After I finished the last bite of my strawberry cream cheese covered bagel, I cleaned up my dishes. I made my way back up the stairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth and washed the sleep from my eyes. I changed out of my comfortable light blue Hello Kitty pajamas and into my work clothes. You're not still reading this are you?

We have so much more respect for those who have the ability to post every single day and keep us entertained. We'll continue to try our darndest to keep posting almost every day and keep you mildly entertained (hey, we're new cut us some slack.)

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